
The easy to use m-learning system.

A new module now integrated within the SMARTbrief technology engine is the SMARTminds simple m-learning system.

The system is not designed to replace a more complex LMS, however our clients are finding that the simplicity and ease of use via mobiles and tablets is positioning SMARTminds at the heart of their learning strategies.

Learning from Video, Documents or Audio

Utilising the flexible broadcast functionality already in place within the SMARTbrief system, you can deliver learning and support content via any media format to your mobile workforce. Some clients have also identified that the system is ideally suited to distribution and management of key Standard Operating Procedures and Rules Guidance. The scope is unlimited and continually evolving as client feedback guides us forward.

Quick and easy to set up

The system is making use of the latest m-learning and micro-learning techniques to deliver a more flexible, scalable and quantifiable approach to the management of training across your mobile workforce. Q and A’s can be set up and linked to your video, audio or documented content in a matter of minutes.

Use the latest m-learning and micro-learning techniques

SMARTminds is ideally suited to micro-learning resources that break down material into small, digestible chunks. This makes it easier for users to engage with the content while you measure things like progress and performance across individuals and groups.

Results and feedback data exportable to your CMS

As you would expect, all Q&A and feedback within a questionnaire set is logged for easy access. You can then drill down into any individual questionnaire and identify which areas of learning require further attention. All management data is then exportable at the click of a button to enable import into your CMS or management system.

Integrate across blended learning

SMARTminds is ideally suited to integrate across blended learning which involves using mobile learning alongside traditional training methods, allowing technology to complement your class based courses. This approach enables your mobile teams to learn independently but still have the support of your trainers.

API Integration

We can discuss with you levels of direct API integration to enable seamless data transfer to your chosen management systems. This is always developed as a bespoke solution and projects are scoped to accommodate the technical parameters of your own systems.

Complimenting your LMS

Some clients are using SMARTminds as their key learning management system; however, the system is also suitable to be the easy to use front-end interface for more complex learning management systems. As with API integration projects, closer functionality with your LMS would be scoped and costed based on complexity.

Why not put us to the test?

If you are interested in fully evaluating and testing our solution please contact us and we will set up a free evaluation account.

The process is straightforward; We register between 10 – 25 of your colleagues on the system and create user groups and content libraries containing suitable content for your business to enable you to fully assess the benefits of the system.

Start now

+44 (0)1763 838288

SMARTbrief Broadcasting App Limited
(Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd)
St John’s Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
Cambridge, CB4 0WS

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The development of this website is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund