Produce smartphone videos in house?… now you can with our training and support.
Saving you time and money…
with complete peace of mind
Now you can now create high quality videos in-house with your Smartphone or iPad and we can help support your production.
With the introduction of high quality, HD and 4K Smartphone filming capabilities, creating video in house is now realistic and suitable for an increasing range of commercial video productions.
Video is fast becoming the number one strategic communications tool and your content and creation strategies will cross over between functional, low cost, short life span content created for social media, through to high-end productions for corporate and promotional applications.
We understand that smartphone filming will not replace the high-end filming requirements and many corporate and product videos are still more suited to the utilisation of broadcast trained cameramen, supported by the motion graphics and editing that a professional video production company can provide.
To ensure that you maximise your budgets for video based communications, each of your productions will no doubt be rationalised in the context of the objectives and the target market.
Typical applications for in-house production using a smartphone:
> Operational briefings
> Safety Tours and updates
> Refresher learning
> Toolbox talks
> Site Inductions
> Near Miss Reporting
> Executive updates
> Engineering guidance videos
> Safety briefs and demonstrations
> Fault guidance videos
> Key staff introductions
> Internal employee communications
> Recruitment introductions
> Business culture and HR explanations
> Route and DMI guidance
What’s involved?
The SMARTphone video support service can be combined with traditional video production processes and is separated into 5 core areas of support:
Equipment Supply
The supply of a range of equipment that is needed to enable high quality video production from a Smartphone device.
Training, Workshops and Support
Providing the training and support needed to enable your team to film and record audio at an acceptable quality for distribution.
File Management
The implications of this process can, in itself, be enough to dissuade an individual from following the route of producing their own video briefing in-house. We support the process of file transfer and management from your smartphone devices.
Cloud based editing and post production
Editing support services from simple one hour edit to full production services, motion graphics and sound design when required.
We do not run training or workshops in isolation but agree your content creation requirements and use the production process itself to teach your teams how to create content themselves. This way it’s a ‘win win’ in that you receive the content you needed anyway while learning how to produce the next videos yourself.
Outsourced Video
We have over 25 years of experience on high end video production from single camera shoots to broadcast standard briefing dramas, involving household name actors and broadcast production teams.
These days we believe that to be truly useful, we need to cross the spectrum of production from smartphone in house to high end corporate productions, advising you on what level is suitable for the task in hand.
Please review our showreel below of video production work
Why not put us to the test?
If you are interested in fully evaluating and testing our solution please contact us and we will set up a free evaluation account.
The process is straightforward; We register between 10 – 25 of your colleagues on the system and create user groups and content libraries containing suitable content for your business to enable you to fully assess the benefits of the system.

+44 (0)1763 838288
SMARTbrief Broadcasting App Limited
(Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd)
St John’s Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
Cambridge, CB4 0WS